Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Strange Thing in My Pocket by Lainey Lou-Lou

One morning I decided to walk along the vast, white water creek that ran through my backyard. I bent down to pick up a bright orange daisy with a dab of yellow and purple in the center of the flower, to put in my long wet hair. I thought it would match my white flowing shirt with a swim-suit top and purple shorts. As I stood up, something fell out of my back pocket. I noticed it falling, turning and flowing as the wind carried it away and dropped it next to a weeping willow tree. Flipping it over to read the fine print, I saw that it was a plane ticket that would take me anywhere I wanted. I rushed back to my house. I was filled with anticipation with the ticket in my presence. I did not know how I had gotten it, but there was no time to sit and ponder how it was put it my pocket—I had to figure out where it was that I wanted to go. So I sat and dreamt about all the places I could see. Finally, I picked a place. I would go to Tahiti. Tahiti is a remote island in the Pacific Ocean between North America and Japan. It is known as “The Queen of the Pacific.” When I arrived at my destination, I walked along the shore collecting sea shells, star fish, sand dollars and other fascinating creatures. I walked on a very rocky platform that had been carved from the explosion of the waves as they collided with the rock. The water burst to the sky and gently fell back to earth. I felt the mist and drops of salty ocean falling on my skin. I loved lying there on the beach and feeling the water reach and engulf me where the sand surrounded me and then roll away as the ocean rose up and sucked the sand back with it. After watching the brilliant orange sunset over the never-ending ocean cast a reflection of light that lit up my eyes, I rushed back to my hotel excited to spend more time in the water with the sea life the next day. The following day, as I sat on the beach and watched the calm rolling sea, I noticed the color of the depth. In shallow water it was a light blue, but almost clear. In the deeper parts, it was a royal blue color. While I was walking along the shore, I found a conch with a check for a million dollars. “Now, I can spend the rest of my life here,” I thought to myself. As I started walking back to my hotel, I noticed a familiar looking face. Then all of the sudden it hit me. The man who was the life guard at the beach was a strange man who lived down the street from me. “I saw him at the creek after I had discovered the plane ticket and now I see him here!” I said to myself. “I need to get out of here.” Then I put the conch back on the beach and walked away watching the conch with the money inside being swept away with the waves.

I Found the Strangest Thing in My Pocket By Jane Doe

My name is Ella. There was never really anything unusual that happened in our town. It was more of a village really, with only about 1,000 inhabitants in its heyday and only about 200 now. Needless to say about half the town was now boarded up and dilapidated. It was kinda quaint but very boring and routine until a little over a year ago when I found the strangest thing in my pocket and things haven’t quieted down since. I was a tall, awkward eighteen-year-old when I found it. I had straight, mouse-brown hair and very green eyes.
It all started one regular, not too hot, summer day when I was walking down the sidewalk with my best friend George, who was also 18, when he stopped, bent down, and picked something up. He examined it for a moment before he handed it to me. “Here,” he said, “you can have it.”
I looked at what he had handed me. Upon examination it appeared to be a red rock. Upon further examination I concluded that it was indeed a shiny red rock, which fit quite nicely into my palm and was a little heavy for its size. It was kind of fun to fiddle with, so I kept it in my pocket. I thanked him and we kept walking.
A year and day later, I was at George’s house playing with his dog, Ferddy. The rock was lying on the porch when suddenly, Ferddy ran over and, before we could stop him, crunched down on my rock. Ouch! He spat it out and went to a corner whimpering. I ran over to my rock and George ran over to his dog.
“Oh no! He cracked it!” I wailed, examining my once smooth rock that now had a gaping crack zipping across it.
“I sorry,” said George. “He really likes red jelly beans. Must have thought that was a giant one or something.”
“Well, I guess it’s only a rock and it’s still in one peace.” I said halfheartedly and stuck it back in my pocket.
Later that same day, George called me, frantic. “Ella, you gotta come down to the warehouse this evening! This magician, who is on his way to some other place, stopped by our little town and decided to show a few tricks to a few people. I happen to be one of those people. I want you to come and see them to. He said he can do any sort of magic trick you can think of and more.”
“Like what?” I said. One time when I was younger, somebody had told me it was all smoke and mirrors and that took all the fun out of it.
“He said he can bring things back from the dead with his Darke Magyk. Ooooooooooo…………,” he said dramatically.
“Fine. Meet you there,” I said.
So I slipped on my Converse shoes and went to meet George at the magic show.
It was simply a small handful of people crowded around the magician, who didn’t look the part, in the abandoned warehouse.
The magician was a tall, gangly man probably nineteen or twenty, with shaggy blond hair. He had on slightly worn jeans with a faded black T-shirt and cheap canvas shoes. When I glanced up at him, he caught my eye and smiled and winked at me. I quickly looked straight down. I was sure he could see my blushing. Sometimes I thought boys did that just to make girls uncomfortable.
When he had everybody’s attention, the magician said, “I will now raise this rat from the dead.” Out of nowhere a crate with a rat on it had appeared in front of him. At the sight of the crate appearing in front of him, the crowd gasped as one. The rat was clearly dead. It was already rotting a little bit and was very smelly. The magician closed his eyes and spread his hands over the rat and mumbled a few words. Suddenly the rat flinched, and then it stretched, and then it stood up and walked about. Everybody stood back except me, I was rooted to the spot. I had a horrible fear of anything dead, or undead for that matter. Well then of course, the rat started towards me. Still frozen, I stood there until the rat got very close. When it came extremely close, it stopped and leaned against my pocket as if resting. That’s I screamed and bolted for the door and didn’t stop running until I got home.
By the time I got there, it was very dark. I went to my room and flopped down on my bed, thoroughly embarrassed and shaken up. Then the phone rang. It was George.
“You didn’t miss much and nobody laughed when you screamed,” he assured me. “He just flew around the room a little bite and did a few other small tricks. You killed the rat again when it fell off.”
“Hmm…” I said. Then I hung up and almost instantly fell into a fitful sleep filled with zombie rats scratching around in my pocket.
When I woke up, sure enough, there was something scratching and scrabbling around in my pocket. I reached in quick without a second thought and, OW! It bit me! I reached in a second time. This time with more caution, and pulled out…. a red baby dragon?
I could not believe my eyes. For a second, I thought I must still be dreaming but then I thought, “No, that bit really hurt.”
“Hmm…” I said aloud. “I guess there’s nothing to do with you but name you. Let’s see, oh, I know, I’ll name you…” but I didn’t finish.
“BURP!” went the dragon.
“PU! Well, forget that name, I’ll call you, Stinky Face.”
I called George. “Hello?”
“Hey, George,” I said, “I just found the strangest thing in my pocket.”
“Oh yeah. What?”
“A baby dragon.”
Silence. I heard him audibly open and close his mouth a few times before he said, “A baby dragon? This I gotta see. I’ll be over in a minute” he said.
“Hey, wait, George!”
“What do you feed a baby dragon?”
“Dragon kibble?”
We both laughed.
By the time George arrived, Stinky Face had finally stopped doing laps around my room and fallen asleep curled up on my bed.
“Man,” said George, “you really did find the strangest thing in your pocket.”

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sir William Wallace III by Blithe

Sir William Wallace III was, to put it briefly, in a lot of pain. Having just been whisked

out of the jousting tournment, he realized just how much his head ached.

“I can’t believe he’s still conscious!” whispered one of the knights who was carrying him.

“He did take a pretty nasty blow to the head.” said the other. “I hope the doctors can stop

the bleeding.”

“WHAT?” exclaimed Sir Wallace. “BLEEDING?”

“Sir! Sir, please sit down! We don’t want you to....”

But it was too late. Sir Wallace was suddenly enveloped in darkness.


He awoke to large shouts and loud laughs. Slowly he opened his eyes and took in his

strange surroundings. All around him, people were wearing purple were eating and cheering. On

the other side of this vast landscape, people donned in red were doing the same. As his throbbing

head struggled to comprehend his rather unique situation, a massive roar emitted from the men in

red. The people in purple began to boo.

“I must investigate!” declared Sir William Wallace III.

So, after many failed attempts to get back on his feet, he finally was able to lumber down

the concrete steps which he had previously been sprawled out on.

Again there was a deafening cheer, but this time from the purple side.

“Something is definitely going on,” thought Sir Wallace.

Finally he reached the bottom. He looked around and simply couldn’t believe his eyes.

“I’m in heaven!” he decided. “Yes, that’s it, I’m in heaven! I’ve been sent to the eternal

team jousting copetition!”

For what he saw before him was two teams rushing at each other. Some got knocked

down, but those who were victorious ran on and scored a point! And the prize, the prize was this

beautiful egg--shaped trophy! This was what he had always dreamed of; he simply had to be in


“I can’t believe my luck! My good fellows, may I join?”

No one seemed to object. So off he went. He burst out onto the bright green grass.

“Excuse me, my fine sirs, but may I butt in?”

No response.

“I guess I shall just jump right in! For the Queen!” he shouted, and charged right into the


“HEY! WHAT IS HE DOING?” shouted the crowd.

Unfortunately for our poor Sir Wallace, the jousters took no notice. Before he could lift a

finger, a purple helmet slammed into his chest.

“OOF!” cried Sir Wallace, as his world turned black.

Lost by Psych Osis

I dodged the stone blade. I swung my blade up against my foe, my sword nearly an exact duplicate of his. He blocked on the flat of his weapon. I lunged forward, glancing a blow off his silver helm. Stunned and knocked off balance, the warrior still managed to land a long scratch on my forearm.
Pain lanced up my left arm and I threw myself back, landing near a ledge. Gritting my teeth, I pulled off my cloak as blood welled in a six-inch wound along my arm. I flexed my hand. No tendons severed.
I glared back at my enemy. His helmet had fallen far below, down to where hundreds of knights fought, kith against kin, friend against comrade. His grimy gold hair hung at his shoulders. Even with his tunic in tatters and blood on his hands and face, he struck a kingly, noble figure.
I hated every inch of him.
“This is not the way.” He said pleadingly. He dared speak? “You were raised better than this! Or are you ashamed that—”
“Silence, old man!” I raged. “I care not for your feeble excuses! I will water the grass with your blood and feed your flesh to the ravens! You die tonight!”
We hefted our swords and charged, but before we could take but a few steps, a reverberating boom shook out, knocking us from our feet.
Over the ridge two figures came into view, a bizarre couple. One, a wizened old man, with a strong, but gentle face set in intense focus and shoulder-length alabaster hair. The other struck a figure of a beautiful woman, young, but with a dark aspect far beyond her years to match her flowing tunic. They glared at each other, not moving but for their hands, which jittered and twisted into elaborate patterns.
Lightning flickered in sinister clouds high above them, the billows beginning to move, twist.
WHAM! I silently cursed myself for letting my concentration lapse. My assailant had slammed into me, pushing me down the drop. I struggled to my feet. My rib was broken, maybe two. The golden-haired man stood twenty feet above, looking down sadly.
A howling assaulted me, inciting me to look back. The clouds had wrapped themselves into a funnel, tearing around the man and woman, but not harming them. The same could not be said for me.
A pull ripped me off my feet, yanking me into the vortex. Lightning pulsed down on top of me, and I knew no more.

I awoke to the blaring of trumpets and whooping of an ungodly noise. I staggered to my feet. A metal monstrosity rushed at me! Bereft of my armor and clad only in my tunic, I hefted my sword.
Glowing eyes flashed at me, and the noise of ten trumpets deafened me. At the last second, it swerved and a human leaned out? He yelled at me, “Out of the way, freak!”
His accent was strange, foreign. And I looked around for the first time. The air was heavy, the landscape a forest of stone and metal. Thousands of faces peered down at me from stands. I was in some kind of arena. The grass beneath my feet was unusually plush. Fake? And stripes crossed it at regular intervals.
A voice like thunder blared at me: “And…uh, apparently, the new mascot for the Minnesota Vikings!” Applause and cheering rang out from everywhere. Why would anyone applaud Vikings? They were ruthless, cruel men who raided England’s villages constantly. I made a mental note: when I become king, my first action will be to wipe out those savages.
Who was my opponent? I was obviously in a gladiator’s arena. A giant, grotesque bird emerged from one entrance. It was yellow and blue with a red head. I charged.
Surprisingly, he ran. Perhaps he was only a chicken. I managed to get in a slash to the back and neck, but it cut easily. A costume?
Men in light tan uniforms came and escorted me to a cold cell room. As I entered, my temper snapped. I spun, slicing all of them in the chest with my sword. They collapsed, bleeding. Pansies. They should at least avenge their honor and make a final stand. Wait… a metal weapon of some kind was attached to their sides. I knelt and scooped one up.
It was heavy and cool to the touch. My hand fit comfortably on one of the longer pieces, with my first finger sliding into a notch. Was this a sort of wand?
I ran outside, to where many metal beasts milled about, a vast majority of them yellow and spotted. Storm clouds gathered up above, throwing lightning about. For a moment I watched as people waved at them until one stopped, lifted a sort of latch on the side, and pulled it apart to enter. They seemed to be using the monsters as transport.
I attempted to follow suit. I waved frantically at one. He stopped for me, and I lifted the latch and entered. A rough, thick man with a hint of a beard turned to me.
“Would help if ya shut the door.” He grunted. Door? Ah, the opening apparatus. I pulled it towards me and slammed it against the metal. He grunted again. “Now, where ya want be goin’?”
“Take me to the highest point of the land.” I ordered.
“The sears tower? Sure.” We set off at an incredible pace, faster than a man could run. But dread filled my heart when I looked skyward. Instinctively, I knew being struck by lightning was my way home, but the storm was abating.
“Faster!” I cried, waving the metal weapon about. The driver looked back in fear.
“Please…sirrah! Ah don’t wan’ no tuble! Please, ya sirrah, don’t hurt meh!” His accent became indecipherable in his terror. The tube? Perhaps it was a magic wand after all.
We increased our fantastic speed, the metal and rock blurring around us with our velocity. Finally we reached the largest building, and I ran in, cape fluttering about my back. A few people stepped into a cubicle. I ran to order them,
“Get me to the roof!” A unnerved woman punched a small button on the wall, and it lit! Suddenly doors shut around us. I was trapped! A falling sensation built in my chest.
A few seconds later the doors opened…but the world had changed! I was on the peak of a mountain, looking down at all the other buildings and people in metal creatures.
Two men in tan yelled at me: “Hey! You can’t be up here!” Their mouths were on fire! Smoke curled from wood trapped in their lips. Disgusting!
I balled my fists in anticipation of a fight. BLAM! A sound like thunder from the magic wand that I stole. My hand was jerked back. What was this witchcraft? The small hook my finger sat in had been moved, and a small hole now sat where I pointed the tube.
I tried again. I pointed at one of the men and pulled the hook. BLAM!
The noise and jerk again! But look, the man was bleeding, blood dripping from his sholder. I aimed more carefully and put a hole in his head, killing him instantly.
Wham! Again, I had forgotten my opponent in my mystification over the wand. He threw himself on me. His breath smelled like smoke. I frantically pointed and pulled the stud twice. BLAMBLAM! The abomination dropped dead.
Thunder rolled and I looked up. Lightning coursed down on top of me, and the world went black.

Once again, I was in Camelot, among all the knights and…the king. I looked over.
“My son, do not do this. It is not the way. I know you, Marty, and you do not want to do this evil deed.”
“Oh, but I do.” I grinned cruelly.
I pointed the wand at him.
“My name is Mordred.”

3,000 BC by ManOfSteele

It was a small white box with some strange moss growing on the ground, and

pools of still water on one side of the room. The same still water was on the ceiling

letting in sun light. At least that’s what it appeared to be, and that’s what I thought it was.

The place smelled like nothing I’d ever smelled, it almost smelled like a pine tree in

spring, but not really. A small rumbling sound came from someplace I did not see. An

animal ir, even worse, a monster? I turned around and saw a black box with a small

flashing yellow eye right in the center if it… so it was an animal, or a monster. It

appeared to have a name too, because on the side of the beast were the letters “DELL”

Not wanting to wake the sleeping creature, I stepped back, hoping I would find a way out

of this place of magic. And I did, but it just led into another cursed, small, white room.

This one was not as light as the other room though. The one thing in this room that I was

familiar with were the table and chairs. The same still water that I saw in the other room

was here to. I slowly walked towards it and touched the surface, and surprisingly it was

hard. Probably magic I thought. At least the squishy moss was not growing in this room.

Instead there were lots of little square wooden planks on the floor, and the place squeaked

under my feet as I walked toward a huge white rectangular humming device in the corner.

I opened it and was flooded by a sudden flash of light and cool air. I quickly closed that

device. Once my eyes got used to the darkness again I saw a passage going down behind

the table, it had some steps and a railing. I was desperate for a way out so I descended

down into yet another much larger white room. In this room there was a lot more chairs

then in the last two rooms combined and they all surrounded this… this thing. I walk a bit

and jumped when a loud high pitched sound entered my ear. I look behind and saw lights

and heard voices. Am I saved? Was I free from this haunted place? As the voices came

closer I distinguished anger in there voices. Not wanting a visit from DELL I ran, not

knowing what I was running from I looked back, saw nothing, and turned back around

and ran straight into a wall. I fell motionless to the floor and awoke, another one thousand

years later.

Cage in the Car by Cloudsie

I sit quietly in my cage as the car drives away. I have lived in the store cage for my whole life, which is only 8 months. So I am very confused as I sit in the back of the car in a brand new cage with 3 little children staring down at me. They are all quite young. Not more than 5 years I would think so I am very cautious. The other bunnies told me about children when I was in pet Co. They said that the young ones can never be trusted and that all they do is pick you up and squeeze you. That comment frightened me a little bit as I imagined being tossed into the air and never being caught. I shudder as I hop around my new cage. Finally I settle down in the corner and fall asleep.
When I wake up, I am in a new place. I can’t tell exactly what the place is but it smells odd and it looks different than the pet shop. I don’t see any other animals. I look to the left and see no one. I look to the right and see one of the children. It is the girl. She is sitting criss crossed on the bed and staring at me. I watch her face light up in joy as she realizes that I am awake. She slowly kneels down and opens the cage. I jump around and then sit still. She puts her hand in the cage and on my head. I flinch back at first but when she gently sets her fingers on my neck I sit still. She strokes me and scratches my ears. I am confused. The other rabbits said that children cant be trusted but that is obviously not true. She girls is so quiet and gentle that I cant help but close my eyes and let the feeling of love wash over me. I know that I am going to have a very happy life here.

Those Annoying Mystic Beings by Mershey

I sit in a large tub.

All my brothers and sisters are there with me.

Nothing ever happens, except occasionally one of my siblings is picked up by one of the Mystic Beings.

I think that they must be space aliens.

After all, why else would they want to disturb a perfectly normal ball, and take it home?

If they even have a home. Those annoying Mystic Beings… the nerve of them.

They took my parents, for Pete’s sake!

As I sleep soundly, on the very top of my pile of siblings, I feel something grab me.

I look at it, and find that it’s a mystic being!

It’s quite strange… it’s pink, with some strange yellow fuzzy stuff on top of it’s head.

‘Put me down!’ I wanted to cry out, but no sound came out.

Suddenly the Mystic Being threw me at the ground, and smiled when I came back up to it’s hands.

How rude.

Suddenly it started doing all sorts of tricks with me, like bouncing me around it’s back and between it’s legs.

When it tried to throw me between it’s legs, I bounced extra high and wacked him right between the legs (thankfully I have taken many ‘Mystic Being defense classes)

He looked pained, and took me with him into a big long line of Mystic Beings.

I looked back at my siblings.

They were still asleep.

Even if they weren’t there was nothing they could do to save me now.

Soon I was confronted with a giant monster.

The Mystic Being must somehow be related to it, I thought, because it jumped right through one of the Monster’s four mouths.

It stuck a shiny stick into a hole and suddenly the monster woke up!

It started moving.

Soon we were on a black surface, going so fast

I felt like I was going to pop!

After about 2 minutes the monster stopped.

Thank God.

The Mystic Being took me out of the monster and I felt I was ready for anything, when five mystic beings ran up and tried to grab me.

Soon they were all throwing on the ground, or throwing me at eachother, or worst of all, throwing at a giant pole with a basket on it.

It was very undignified.

I soon realized that they were playing some sort of game- and that I was what they used to play the game.

Soon another Mystic Being (this one with longer scruff on it’s head) called them into some sort of cage.

They left me under the giant pole.

I started trying to roll, thinking I could make it back home if I could just get out from under the pole.

I pushed against the pole, and soon I was rolling.

Now I was out on the black thing that they monster had been on.

Suddenly from up behind me another monster came.

I braced myself for the pain and then POP!

Dog Spell by The Pope

Hi, my name is Bruce. I am what the humans call a kitty kitty. I am going to tell you how the dogs are taking over the world. One night I received a bowl of food and my family, the humans, went into the other room. When I was eating, I heard a static hum coming from the living room. I ran in and they were all sitting on the couch. They all sat staring at a black window in the wall. It was glowing, and dog noises were issuing from it. I heard a bark and looked at the window there was nothing but a blur of colors. I looked away because it hurt my eyes. Franticly I looked back at my family; they had not moved. Suddenly, as if by cue, they all started to laugh. Terrified, I glanced back at the window. It was rectangular, about five feet long and two feet tall. I am still convinced they were under a hypnotic spell put on them by the dogs. I believe this because they talked about it later and said it was the AKC (American Kennel Club). Now however, if I ever I hear that static hum, I run to my bed terrified.

What Is That Thing by Elle Woods

As I climb onto the soft chair, I hear voices coming from the small room that my girl goes into then emerges from somehow different. Jumping off, I land on a pile of clothes. When I peek around the corner, my human confronts me. I bolt out of there, barely escaping the screaming that ensued. I trot to my bowl and lap up some water. Right before I go outside, I see something that interests me. It has water inside of it and in that water is something that looks back at me. When I tried to investigate, I was told that I was bad! This makes me even more interested. Something that is forbidden, I want to explore it! Looking over my shoulder I humbly go outside to think of a way to probe without getting in trouble again. I thought and thought and thought so very hard, until I had a brilliant idea. I would implement it that very night. That night came slowly but when it did, my girl went to bed and my plan was set into place. I crept up on a small creature that kept looking at me, I barked quietly once. It blinked. I barked once more, again it blinked. I thought it was not very smart until it said hello. I was so astonished that I jerked back, breaking my fall on a slipper. Regaining my thoughts, I climbed back on the table and introduced myself. “Hello, my name is Stefano. Where am I? I am very scared,” he said. I replied, “You are very safe, this is a very good house to live in. Right after I had said this, my master came in looking for her phone. She saw me, grabbed my collar and dragged me outside and left me there. I vowed that I would never go near that creature again because all it did was get me in trouble.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Daisy by Lainey Lou-Lou

My name is Daisy. I love to LICK!!!! No wait! Stop! Hold your leg still!!!! I am trying to lick it. I guess I will just lick my paws then... Yummy!!! I will just lick the ground now! Don’t tell me to stop now! I am your new and improved mopping machine!!! Lick, lick, lick-whoa-was that a mouse?! I will just let the cats get the mouse, I suppose. I prefer the floor. The two cats that I have to live with are mean to me and usually stay on the other side of the gate. Well, that is until they run the gate over to get through thanks to Bubba, that fat cat I have to live with. Sometimes he licks the other cat, Booger, but I just think they are copy cats. I have to lick! I have to lick right now! What can I lick? Hmm-I will lick YOU!

Rarely do I play outside. When I do go outside to play I am not the kind of dog who will run out and catch a ball or go fetch a stick when you throw it. That’s just not my thing. I will just try to run off because I get distracted by things that God has created. Naturally, as you might assume, I only go outside to look for things to lick. Well, except for that other thing, if you know what I mean.
I just like to sleep all day and most of all lick. Little kids don’t even need to take a bath since I am here. Every time someone comes to the door I just bark and wait until they come in and lick them after I am done hyperventilating from excitement. I love being around people where the action is. Most of the time, I just fall asleep. I like to smell also. I bet I could win an award for my nose. My nose always helps me find things to lick. Well, I have to get back to licking things. Oh yeah, by the way, I don’t think I mentioned how much I love to lick things!!!

Lancelot at the Superbowl by Clumsy Bob

Once upon a time, in a far away kingdom, there was a knight whose name was Lancelot. He was very brave, or at least he thought he was. He had the whole armor of a normal medieval knight. The king gave him the job to guard the time machine.

Well, one day, he decided to go in the time machine when no one was watching. He pressed the button labeled “FUTURE.” The time machine warped Lancelot into the modern days. Lancelot had no idea what he had just done.

Suddenly, the time machine landed with a crash, and Lancelot opened the door
“What in the world just happened in this odd box?” Lancelot wondered to himself.

Then suddenly Lancelot heard a sudden burst of cheering. “AHH!” Lancelot shouted as he turned around. “What is going on? Who are all of these peasants? And what is going on in the middle of this…bowl?” Lancelot looked around confused. He spotted a sign on the walls. “Ah, this is a Super Bowl. This must be where people gather and sit an enormous, super, bowl!

Lancelot put his hand above his eyes to shade them. He gazed at the innumerable faces of the crowd. He noticed that there was an empty seat a couple rows down. He burst through the rows to take the seat. He sat down. He was seated and happy.

After watching the game for a while, Lancelot exclaimed, “What is that odd, but charming aroma I smell?” Lancelot inhaled. “I’m befuddled. It happens to smell like the bread that is sold in the market places.”

Lancelot followed the smell. It led to a hotdog, popcorn, and churro stand. Lancelot asked the man how much it was.

“Excuse me pastry fellow, but what is a churro?”

“It’s kind of like a breadstick covered in cinnamon and sugar.”

Lancelot glared at the man with a confusing face. “And what is this…sugar you speak of?” Lancelot inquired.

“We get from a plant called the sugar cane plant.” answered the clerk.

“Mmm…sounds pretty healthy.” commented Lancelot. The clerk rolled his eyes.
“Sir, how much is it for a churro?” asked Lancelot.

“Two forty nine,” the clerk responded.

“I beg your pardon?” Lancelot said.

“The churro costs 2.49! Two dollars and forty nine cents,” the clerk replied.

“Here, will this do?” Lancelot pulled out a gold coin.

“Well, heck yeah! How much do you want!” shouted the clerk excitedly.

“I’ll take 100, to take to my family and friends,” said Lancelot.

“You can a take a lot more than that if you want--I mean, that’s enough,” the clerk said greedily.

“Alright, thanks!” Lancelot said as he walked away and headed back to the time machine.

Lancelot sat in his seat. He rummaged in his bag of churros and pulled one out. He held the churro with two hands, and slowly lifted it to his mouth. He looked down and opened his mouth and stuck the churro in, and bit.

“Mmm! These are good!” Lancelot shouted as he stood and held the churro in the air.

The whole crowd looked at him.

He sat back down. Right at the second as he lowered to his seat, the clock buzzed.
It was the end of the game. Everyone stood and cheered and went wild. Lancelot shrugged and returned to the time machine. He stepped in the time machine and scratched his head. “Uh…which button do I press?” he asked himself. There were a million different buttons beeping and flashing. He pressed a random one, and POOF! he disappeared.

And that was the end…of Sir Lancelot the knight.

Friend or Foe? By Superman

“Out, demon!” Sir James III yelled at the dark knight against him. He took his sword and lunged it into the evil heart of the dark knight. He fell off his horse and lay on the ground, empty of evil.

Then, about a mile away, he saw a shining object. He yelled “Forward” to his horse and he walked toward it. Sir James grabbed hold of the mysterious obstacle. It looked like a bottle with some sort of liquid inside. He opened the bottle and took a drink. He made a disgusted face. He swallowed it as if he is being forced. He looked down at the bottle and he thought, in his head that he hates it but something is telling him to drink more. So he does.

He drank a little bit. A little bit more. More. More! Until it was empty. That thing that was telling him to drink it was gone. The only thing that he thought was how dizzy he was. He dropped the bottle and it shattered into a billion little pieces. He fell on the ground and turned unconscious. What felt like two minutes later, he woke up.

There were thousands of screaming people surrounding a big, green arena. Half of the people were yellow and black, and the other half dark green and yellow.

“HEY!” yelled a man behind Sir James. “Move it!”

“Pardon me?” Sir James responded confused,

“I said move, it tin man!”

“Who be that tin man you speaketh of?”

“You!! Now get out of the way!!! I’m trying to watch!”

“Where be thou?”


“Friend or foe?”


“Well, well. Demon, knight is it?”

“Demon knight? What the…”

“Shall we joust?”


“I challenge thee to a joust….mmm….down thither.”

“We can’t go down there, moron. We’ll get kicked out.”

“Art thou a coward?”

“Yes! Umhm…NO! I want to watch the game!!! Now move!”

“Thou givest up and I win by thy surrender. Who be they?” Sir James III points down to the football field.

“The Steelers. Dude! They are beast!”

James III suddenly lit up with inspiration. He looked down and saw bright yellow and black moving objects.

“What are those?” he asked the obese man, who was now stuffing his face with popcorn, a foot long hotdog and a Budlight.

The fat man replied, “Football players…DUH!”

“Be they enemy?”

“Um...Whatcha’ talkin’ ‘bout”

“Doesn’t matter! They must be destroyed!”

“By the Packers? They stink!!!”

“I won’t mind them. I need to destroy those beasts in green and yellow livery!!”
James III sprinted down the stands smiting people right and left. He gained a lot of shouts like, “Hey! Watch it freak!!” and “What the heck! Look where you’re going!” He didn’t care. His mind was set and focused on killing off the beasts.
Finally, he got down to the gate where two tall men dressed in long black shirts and pants, stood.

“Excuse me but I need to get through,” he explained.

“I don’t think so,” The tallest man said.

He was chubbier than the average person. Not as big as the other guy but still lengthy in the stomach. His dark brown hair had some specks of gray at the roots and, he had wrinkles all around his dark, suspicious eyes. Big bags hung under his eyes also. He had a long nose. VERY long. About the size as if he were Pinocchio and had lied three times, it was that long. And pointy. He wasn’t very charming either. His adam’s apple was almost the size of a potato. He had a loud, deep voice, about as deep as you could imagine God having when he created the earth.

“Why not?”

“What’s wrong with you? This is the Super Bowl! Unless you are part of the team, team coach, coach’s assistant, manager etc., you aren’t allowed.”

“But thy beasts are on thy field! What will they do if they kill everyone?”

“I think you need to leave. Stanley, take ‘im out.”

Stanly was shorter, yet stubbier. He had huge arms that lifted James III up in the air and flung him on his wet, sweaty back. The moisture was seeping into James’ helmet and the stench reached his nose.

Being a trained knight had its advantages. Like being able to get away from someone or kill someone right on the spot. Sir James lifted up his foot and kicked Stanley right in the side of the stomach. Stanley immediately fell to the ground. Sir James, the knight did a back flip off of his back and kicked him on the backside too. Stanley rolled his sphere like body over to face Sir James.

James took out his sword and pointed it millimeters from Stanley’s face.

“Give me thy keys! Unless thou doth want to see thy Maker today.”

Shaking, Stanley slowly reached in to his back pocket and pulled out keys. James grabbed the keys and sprinted back to the gate.

Meeting the security guard for the second time, he pulled out his sword once again and ordered him to move. He did. James opened the gate. The yellow and black beasts were like dragons. Running back and forth back and forth. Attacking the opposing people.

James imagined being back at the castle. But instead of one dragon, eleven. He thought of a plan after watching for five minutes.

All of the beasts seemed to be wanting one thing: a mysteriously shaped piece of something brown.

James charged toward the ball. It was flying left and right. Too high for him to jump up and catch. He thought, “I know nothing of this world!”

Without a thought he followed the ball to intercept it and succeeded in grabbing it. Realizing what he had done, he ran everywhere. He didn’t know where he was going and the whole crowd was booing and jeering. He looked back to see everyone following him. Halting, they followed and all fell on top of one another.

James had done it!! He walked on top of the sweating, breathing mountain. He smiled to himself. As he got down, billions of people came running towards him. He thought that he would get praises, but the looks on their faces didn’t seem like they were leaning towards praise. They piled words on him. Mean words. Hateful words. Curses. He fell to the ground and went into a deep sleep.

After what seemed like a billion years but was only two hours and thirty-nine minutes, he woke up on the ground, where he had been. The empty bottle lay beside him. He looked at it and threw it into the mote.

Then he realized that he still had something in his hand. It was the mysteriously shaped piece of something brown. He looked at it, then set it on the ground. He looked at it once more, then walked away, thinking, “Packers stink.”

What Did I Do? By Rhetorik 323

Every day, it’s the same thing. I’m sleeping peacefully on my bed. Once again, I’ve let the tall people sleep with me. For some reason, that bell stars ringing and the tall people move. Why can’t they get their own bed? I get up with them so that I can go outside and visit nature. When I come back in, everyone is scurrying around my house. The cool guy is awake now. He is the best person in this house! I can’t wait to play with him, but I know what is next. They all leave me again. Now it’s just me, alone in my house…with those cats! What did I do?

I don’t understand why we needed to get out of my bed! Every day, it happens the same way. Sometimes there’s a change. Like today, we slept later, no one scurried, and they didn’t leave me until I heard 12 bongs on that big ticking thing in the living room. And, they came home sooner than usual. I know tomorrow, they will leave home later than usual, but will be dressed differently and the cool guy won’t have that bag he takes with him all the other days.

I know they love me. They pet me and feed me. But I can’t help thinking that every time they leave it’s somehow because of me. I don’t know why I always put my tail between my legs. I think it is part of my doggy-DNA. I just want them to be happy. I know those cats don’t care about them!! They just mess around all day and cause destruction. I think they are so lame! But my people pet and feed them, too! So, what did I do?!

Sir Arthur the Cheesehead by The Tiny Guy with the Tiny Tie

Once upon a time, in the land of Hubllewubba, there was a knight named Sir Arthur the cheesehead. I will begin his story when he was 10 (ten) years old. He was an excellent player at hide-and-go-seek-jousting. In fact, he was the best 10 (ten) year old hide-and-go-seek-jouster in all of Hubblewubba. One day while in the Forest of Doom, he was in a heated argument with an old friend named William the 3rd (third). They were arguing over who should be the first to hide and who should be the first to seek. Well, Arthur was getting very angry, and was about to go over to William and give him a piece of his mind with his jouster when he tripped over a tree stump and fell, but never landed. Sir Arthur had fallen through a portal. Now, there are very few portals in the land of Hubblewubba, but Sir Arthur fell through one, and he never came back….
“Go team go! Go team go!” cheered the black and yellow women with fluffy mittens and very short kilts.
“Ugh! Where am I?” Arthur asked himself.
“Shutup! It’s almost time for kick-off!” yelled a rather rotund man, wearing a shirt with a large G on it.
“Hey! What are you, a soup can? Hahaha!” jeered a teenager.
“No, actually, I am Sir Arthur the Chessehead! The best hide-and-go-seek-jouster in all of Hubblewubba!” said Arthur triumphantly.

“Hubblewubba? Pah! You’re a nut!” yelled an old man.
“Why, that was quite rude! How dare you say such a thing to Sir Arthur the Cheesehead! You should be ashamed of yourself!” said Arthur.
The teenager retorted, “Oh, yeah, well your mom should be ashamed of yourself!”
“Shut UP!!” cried the fat man. ”The game is starting. Just shut up, soup can man!”
“Ah, so you don’t believe me, eh? I’ll show you that I am the best jouster! I will show my exquisite skills on that man down there in the striped shirt who is making all that ruckus with that flute of his.”
“See ya in jail!” said a bystander.
“Humph! I’ll show them!” Arthur thought to himself as he neared the striped man.
“Hey! You, there! Get off the field!” demanded a security guard.
“I must show everyone my jousting, you fool! Get out of my way! Do you even know who I am? I am Sir Arthur the Cheesehead from Hubblewubba!”
The security guard fainted, and so did all the other guards who had heard Arthur’s story. Finally, he made it to the man in the striped shirt.
“Hey there, you oaf! I am going to joust you! MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!” cackled Arthur.
“MAMA-MIA! THE BABY’S GOT A DIAREA!!” cried the reff.
Those were the reff’s last words for the next forty two hours. Then Sir Arthur the Cheesehead looked to the sky, hands on his hips, feeling like a hero as smiled galiantly at the crowd, which was in awe.

School Daze by Jane Doe

“Yay! Mom’s here!” I thought, as my mamma Mary picked me up out of the tank. “Oh, boy, into the box I go! And it’s the small box. That means it’s just me and Mom today. I love going to school with Mom. I like seeing all her friends. Except that Hallie. She makes me sooo mad, dunking me in that cold, dirty water, turning me upside down, and, worst of all, shoving everything she can think of into my big claw including mechanical pencil led, regular pencils, and, worst of all, metal mechanical pencils. OUCH!
“I like it that Mom protects me, though. Whenever she sees someone being mean to me she swoops in to my rescue just in time.
“Yum! Snack time! Ooo, my favorite, grapes!
“Yikes! Let go of the shell! Oomph! Easy setting me down! Hey, I’m in that one room where that one tall guy with the dark hair is. I think I’ll go see him. Oomph! What the heck? Why can’t I move…? Ouch! I seem to be in that clear round ball. I’m always forgetting what it is called. All I can remember about it is that it’s heavy and was NOT designed with hermit crabs in mind. Well if I’m going to get over there, I’m going to need to get started. (Grunt, grunt, grunt.) Aahhh, I’m here at last. Whoa!”
“Well hey there little guy,” said the tall man as he picked the ball up in which I was contained, “I haven’t seen you in a while. Where have you been?”
“Oh, you know, just hangin’ around with my tank mates.”
(Suddenly) RRRIIINNNNGGGG!!!!!!!
“Ah! My ears,” I yelled as the stinking bell rang.
“Well time to go home Sammy,” said mamma Mary as she gently placed me in the box.
“I was nice and all coming to school and seeing all my Mom’s friends again, even that Hallie, but it is such a relief to come home to a nice warm cage and my tank mates. Until next time anyway.”

Monday, February 21, 2011

Phantom Plumes is a collection of writings by a cluster of phantoms somewhere on Planet Earth.