Monday, May 9, 2011

Those Annoying Mystic Beings by Mershey

I sit in a large tub.

All my brothers and sisters are there with me.

Nothing ever happens, except occasionally one of my siblings is picked up by one of the Mystic Beings.

I think that they must be space aliens.

After all, why else would they want to disturb a perfectly normal ball, and take it home?

If they even have a home. Those annoying Mystic Beings… the nerve of them.

They took my parents, for Pete’s sake!

As I sleep soundly, on the very top of my pile of siblings, I feel something grab me.

I look at it, and find that it’s a mystic being!

It’s quite strange… it’s pink, with some strange yellow fuzzy stuff on top of it’s head.

‘Put me down!’ I wanted to cry out, but no sound came out.

Suddenly the Mystic Being threw me at the ground, and smiled when I came back up to it’s hands.

How rude.

Suddenly it started doing all sorts of tricks with me, like bouncing me around it’s back and between it’s legs.

When it tried to throw me between it’s legs, I bounced extra high and wacked him right between the legs (thankfully I have taken many ‘Mystic Being defense classes)

He looked pained, and took me with him into a big long line of Mystic Beings.

I looked back at my siblings.

They were still asleep.

Even if they weren’t there was nothing they could do to save me now.

Soon I was confronted with a giant monster.

The Mystic Being must somehow be related to it, I thought, because it jumped right through one of the Monster’s four mouths.

It stuck a shiny stick into a hole and suddenly the monster woke up!

It started moving.

Soon we were on a black surface, going so fast

I felt like I was going to pop!

After about 2 minutes the monster stopped.

Thank God.

The Mystic Being took me out of the monster and I felt I was ready for anything, when five mystic beings ran up and tried to grab me.

Soon they were all throwing on the ground, or throwing me at eachother, or worst of all, throwing at a giant pole with a basket on it.

It was very undignified.

I soon realized that they were playing some sort of game- and that I was what they used to play the game.

Soon another Mystic Being (this one with longer scruff on it’s head) called them into some sort of cage.

They left me under the giant pole.

I started trying to roll, thinking I could make it back home if I could just get out from under the pole.

I pushed against the pole, and soon I was rolling.

Now I was out on the black thing that they monster had been on.

Suddenly from up behind me another monster came.

I braced myself for the pain and then POP!

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